1. Relationships (with yourself, i.e. your physical health and relationships with others in your life).
2. Personal long term goals
3. Professional short term goals, taking care of any current job concerns/growth.
4. Professional long-term goals, to build new skills for job growth or new jobs.
Step #1
Create a bulleted list under each of the four areas regarding what you don’t like about that area of your life today. (i.e. Physical health):
Things I do not like about this part of my life:
• Not in good shape
• Get 8 hours of sleep each night
• I eat junk and fast food for most meals
Step #2
Create S.M.A.A.A.R.T. Goals for each of the four key areas above and state each goal in a positive format.
• I will Lose 15 lbs by June 30, 2016
• I will walk 30 minutes a day to exercise. (I will park at the back of the parking lot each morning causing me to walk 5 minutes extra each way to and from work, the grocery store, etc. I will take a ten-minute walk after
• I will go to bed by 11 p.m.
• I will follow the Atkins diet starting 1/25/16
Now complete this same process for the other three ‘key goal areas’ of your life, listed above.
Step #3
To add goal perspective define your personal long term goals by completing this exercise:
• Picture yourself at 104 sitting on your front porch talking to a friend and discussing your life.
• What kind of a person are you? (loved friends, family and your community, someone who improved your community or the world, someone who had adventures or made a lot of money, etc.).
• This exercise helps establish long-term personal goals. Is there a difference from the person you are today compared to the person you picture yourself, at 104?
• What types of things would you need to do to become the person you envision yourself to be at 104? Add any of these goals to your personal long term goals list and work on a couple each year until you have become the person you would like to be.
Step #4
Transfer your S.M.A.A.A.R.T. goals and the measurement for each to your daily calendar where you see them daily allowing you to track your goal success. If you are moving toward your goal, then continue with what you are doing. If you are not moving toward your goal, tweak your current behavior until you are getting the results you want.